
Ifyourdeviceneedstoberepaired,pleaseclickthislinkandfollowtheinstructionstologinandcreatearepairrequest: ...,Requestapick-upforyourphoneorchooseadropoffrequestinwhichyoucansubmitthephonetorepairatthenearestcollectionpointoroptionally·Booka ...,,2022年3月10日—結...

How can I get my device repaired?

If your device needs to be repaired, please click this link and follow the instructions to log in and create a repair request: ...

How can I get my Nokia smartphone repaired if I find an ...

Request a pick-up for your phone or choose a drop off request in which you can submit the phone to repair at the nearest collection point or optionally · Book a ...

How much do repair kits cost?

You can order repair kits from iFixit. Visit their website for more information on the repair kits available:

Nokia 8.1 還有原廠可以維修嗎?

2022年3月10日 — 結果聯強客服跟我說其他Nokia手機可以修, 但就Nokia 8.1這個型號未被授權維修。 去信詢問Nokia,客服還一度堅持是去他們的手機維修中心(全都是聯強) ...

Nokia Phone Repair

Repair guides for cell phones by manufacturer Nokia, including smartphones and a wide variety of the iconic brick phones. This category is for phones not.

nokia手機維修- 優惠推薦

【新生手機快修】Nokia 8.1 TA-1119 電池蓋背蓋後殼玻璃後背蓋摔壞破裂碎掉X7 現場維修更換. $239. 已售出14. 臺北市大安區. 【新生手機快修】Nokia 5.1 Plus 原廠尾插 ...


Find answers to common questions, troubleshooting guides and instructions for how to get more out of your Nokia phone. Check out the most popular topics.

尋找附近的Nokia 維修中心

如果您需要維修Nokia 手機,或者單純需要手機相關服務,請輸入您目前所在地點,尋找附近的Nokia 維修中心。